Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween and Tradisional Week

This week, is the week of tradisional...erm..ok...according to my friends, that 29th Oct is the date when the Japanese conquer Malaya. So my friends came out with an idea that we all wear tradisional clothing just for fun. In short, there're some of us in Japanese costume, and some in Baju Melayu. As for me, I wore back the same baju I borrowed from Alia. I like it, as everyone compliments it. HEHEHEE..thank you Alia.
:) Mom, Dad, Son, daugthers


AMBIK KO, Kawaiinne



We camwhoring in college in costumes. *Stealing photos from FB@Nabila* HEHEH..thank you

Then on friday, today, HALLOWEEN!!! well, I told Sam on monday, I'm gonna wear some rocker/tomboy/emo girl and I did it!!!HEHEHE..we really had fun on halloween in college, well, we had fun camwhoring and make up and camwhoring. Some Jamming in the studio.

All 3 photos above, Alia, cant run from her Vogue look *pounty lips*

Jamming and Camwhoring

Look at the stars,

look how they shine for you,

and everything you do,

they were all yellow

I like this pic of mine



This is wat we called art and modeling

Then, we move to next location, McD. Supposingly helping Naufal for his assignment, herm...being model for him...I mean all of us being his model in McD. We all end up camwhoring AGAIN..LOLX..and Lisa, I don't know what to say, she's high, and high. and HIGH..oh gosh..Farny girl, and high. just a word to describe her...HIGH..

Camwhore dulu b4 others comin

Guess whose hands are those??

Alahai, cantik nyer kuku itu.

There'll be more photos I will steal after my friends post it up in FB.

Naufal said, he need more photos. So I think there'll be another session in McD. Camwhoring again kot.
I just had fun today. and now, time for assignment(S)!!!