Wednesday, August 19, 2009

questions part of life.

How true is true?

What exactly is TRUE LOVE?
Does true love really exists?
Must sacrifice be made in order to get true love?
How do I know whether its true love or it's just temporarily?
How do I know whether he's for me or not?
How do I know that I had found the one?
How do I know whether I have found my happiness regardless of love and relationships but everything in life?

How true is true?
How does truth hurt when lies hurts too?
How do we know if that someone is telling the truth or lies?
How that someone can be trusted? HYPOCRITES? Everyone?

What is FriENdS exactly?
Does friends betray each other?
Does friend get angry easily at another friend for a small mistake or mistakes?
What makes this friend different from another friend(s)?
Does friends FORGIVE each other of their wrong doings in the past?
Does friends envy or jealous of each other?
How long can friends stick to each other?
Does friends ignore each other?? for obvious and unobvious matters?

Friends can be found and made anywhere and anytime. TRUE?

What do you think?


Unknown said...

true love only exist if u believe in 'em (:
friends are friends, altho they shud not betray each other, but if u'r frens, u will not know how to blame 'em >_<