Friday, May 28, 2010


I'm hooked to TVXQ. Been quite some time.

and another thing I'm hooked to, K-On! heheheh

Last night, I spent almost 4 hours to download most K-On! songs.

"Let's Go", "My love is a Stapler", "Fuwa fuwa Time", and lots more. I know it's funny name, for those who watch the anime, it's cute song. Awesome and rocks at the same time.

So rock, so nice, so woohoo!

Now, there's one song, I'm hooked to, "Towani" by Gospellers. It's a beautiful song. I found one vid, they perform in Soul Power Tokyo 2007 with TVXQ. It's a pretty old vid and song but I like it. It's a beautiful song. Beautifully sang by 2 beautiful acapella groups. Both of these groups sang harmoniously and beautiful. It actually gives me goosebumps, but I love it. It made me cry also, reminding me how much I miss them, TVXQ, and how beautiful song it is. Here's the vid.

And I found another song sang by Gospellers. Another beautiful song. "Mimosa"


I'm gonna find more of Gospellers songs and other Jpop songs.

Now, another thing I'm hooked too. An old novel, "Empress Orchid"
Yes I admit, I'm late and outdated, but books never outdated. heheh.
Thank you Mun Yee, for lending me this book. Enjoying it a lot. I'm a slow reader. I take days to finish a book. HEHEHE. That's why lots of books I have, were read half way. hehehe.