Thursday, December 3, 2009

Chit chat with Beautiful Ladies; Hot Issues.

I was watching this Korean variety show on KBS World, in Astro. It's called "Chit Chat with Beautiful Ladies."

Basically, from the title itself, beautiful ladies here are actually from over the world. Italian, Canadian, Taiwanese, Japanese, Ethiopian, Kenyan, French, Thai, Germans, Columbian. There was a Malaysian too, Sophia, but she came back to Malaysia d.

Well, today's guests were girls from different uni or colleges in Korea, 3 guys from Super Junior; Shindong, Eunhyuk, Leeteuk and Ex Shinhwa, er I can't remember his name. Oh ya, I saw a transvestite, a Korean he/she was there too. TALL.

In this show, everyone got to like discuss about what they're curious about, everyday life and social stuff.

Today's topic pretty cool.

They ask bout is it ok to have shorter boyfriends and what bout comes to husband?
Some are ok with it but most of them don't really comfortable with it. One of the Korean girl actually said its ok if the guy had shoe pad or shoelifts to make him look taller. As I know, most of the Korean Male celebrity who aren't that tall, they had pads in their shoe, and thicker heel soles to make them look taller. Some said, it's pretty ugly, when the guy is actually shorter than the girl.

Then another question is getting marry without the feeling of love. Some was ok with it. Mostly, Anneyo, means NO.

Few of the Korean Girls were ok with it because they thought of the future. A guy who can support the family as well as himself. Some said we need the feelings carry on the marriage to have happiness. Without love, there's no happiness. Some opposed it and said, if there's love, but no money, how to be happy? Then there's a debate on it. Pretty hot issue. It's subjective depending on a person's perception and expectation.

Then, another question is, Must the guys pay for dates all the time? Most said yes, some disagree. Well, I personally disagree like 70%. Leeteuk prefer to pay for all the dates. One of the Korean Girl said she prefer where the man pays on the 1st date, but after that, its ok for the ladies to pay themselves. As for me, well, my previous relationship, my ex partner and I kinda like mutual agreement where we pay alternatively, but in the end he paid more. From there I learned that, depends on the person. I mean, if both aren't doing that well, share it, both take turns to pay. Women are capable too. In this show, Leeteuk said something offended to the foreign ladies, where he said, he prefer man pays for all. its's like more a gentleman where as woman are weak, born physically weak, need guys to protect. Then, the girls kinda offended, "HELLO, we're not weak" HAHA.

He thought it was cool, but in the end got bang back. LOL. It was hilarious. He just kept quiet then, and sit shyly. Well I agree, we're human, we might be weak physically, but we're strong in other sense. There're some things which make women different from men but some things are the same. We can make same amount of money IF we want to. YES, IF we want too. Some woman are dependent to their own partners, some prefer to be independent, but well of course, guys have their own ego. Of course they need to earn more then ladies :) EGO issue again.
Oh ya, one of the Korean girl said, they "invested" on themselves to look good for the date (as if they're like a doll to be brought out for date) the guy should pay for the date. WAH. this issue is sensitive. Well, not much comment but its different people's perception. Freedom of thoughts and speech.

OK next issue.

I maybe skip some of the issue, I shall write those I remember.

One of it was bout going to all girl school. This is a surprise for me, in UK and Germany, its ILLEGAL!!! No one can allow to ALL GIRL or GUY schools. Must be Coed. WOW. The English and German ladies were shocked to see it in Korea. Well, we have it in Malaysia too. Then, the Korean replied that it depends on their capability and grades. Well known girl school and has good rank, there's where the girls will go. It's how well the school is. As for US, Bianca (she's on of the few foreign ladies I could remember) said that there're few in US, but because of unpopular, it became a coed school. Leeteuk even said, before his debut, he was looking for part time job and preferably nearby all girls school. What I was shocked that girls from all girls school tend to have dates including blind dates more. One of the Korean girl said she had 36 dates. I was like WOW!

All guys school in MALAYSIA is SAKAI. Honestly, some guys, I mentioned SOME! guys are really sakai, as if they haven't seen girls in their whole life. Whistling, screaming out names. REALLY SAKAI! My dear form 6 friends knew this. I was like, its normal, because I came from coed school from kindergarten til now.

Next issue.

Make Up and Dressing up.
Girls wear make ups and dressing up to College or Unis. YES! Christina from Italy asked the Koreans bout this. YES, Korean girls wear make ups and dressed up for school. I don't. Sometimes, rarely, on occasion if I have plans after college if I don't go home. Most of the time I don't. Christina wanna learn. Most of the foreigners were impressed with the Koreans because they do it beautifully and fast. Japanese and English ladies tends to go for colors where Koreans and other ladies tends to go for natural make up, I prefer natural make up. I notice one thing EYE LINER is a must. EVERYONE must have eye liner on. Japanese girl said, if in Japan, they don't do natural make ups, they have thicker and more colorful make up because, they will ask, as if u just wake up if u have natural make ups. LOL. Korean girls said, its like an impression in college or uni, studying and guys. Never miss out the GUYS! Christina said, she was lecturing in a uni, when the students came in without make up, while she was writing and reading, she looked up to the students, she was shocked. Those students then changed to different person. HAHA.
One of the Taiwanese said, not only they transform themselves but they transform her too! She said, her roommates don't let her go out without make up. They said, that eye bag wont do, and do make up on her. HAHA.

Then bout Korean girls have luxury bags to college and uni. WOW. That rich ar? Where do they get them? Christina asked this too, she said, Italian ladies has it but not as many as Koreans. Most westerners has backpack but not for Korean girls. Why? According to them, it makes them looks like they're going for a hike or somewhere else. Korean girls said, sometimes they share it with their mom. Not all owns it. Some parents bought for them as a present for entering college. WAH. Like that also got ar? Most received it as a gift. They rather have the luxury brands other than those cheap ones which looks like the luxury brand. It does last longer and the material is better. I am agreeing partially that its true the original luxury brand has better material and tends to last longer but, the trend don't last. After the trend past, buy another one? WAH! BROKE! Unless its everlasting trend.

Then the Canadian girl said, its not really a necessity. She pitied those parents who paid for their tuition fees, they mean school fees, paid for their allowance and then buy luxury bags for them. It made me realize. then comes to issue of parents paying for school fees. Most of the Korean does but not the foreign ones. It's because, the foreign ones do part time jobs and pay for themselves. Well, one of the Korean girl actually said, her dad was angry because she did part time job. Her dad paid her expenses and expect her to study instead of working. So she did stop working and work hard on studies. She said, she did it to get scholarships and after that to get better jobs then can repay back to their parents. The best part is she never miss any scholarships. As in like every year she got it. Asian thinking. Good and Bad at the same time. Then, the Canadian one said, working while studying is actually part of experience. Life experience and working experience. Apply for a proper job later on will ease easily, at least I think. I agree to this too. I agree to both but both can be worked out.

I can't remember what else.
This is super long post.

Here is the part of the show. Cut.

Keurom. Annyeong!
Crazy over Korean stuff now.
Food, TVXQ!, clothes, dramas, variety shows.


Unknown said...

Heya Yumi,
how are ya? It's Elly over from FB :)
Just wanted to say a v interesting post, it's just the kind of thing I'm into as well. Btw, did you get the DBSK hoodie in the end? I didn't, really wanted to, but didn't like the actual design that won. :( Aanyways, I just wanted to say that there most certainly ARE single sex schools in the UK, I'm not sure why you thought it was illegal. I myself went to an all-girls school. Most of the single sex schools are private schools, but there are quite a lot of them really! Just thought I'd point that out ;)
Liking the blog though, keep it up... I'm off to download more DBSK albums from the link you have :D

Yumi said...

Well, I'm not so sure. Cause that's what I saw in that show. They said is illegal. It's either only the gurl's place or the translation is wrong. LOST in translation. HAHA.
But well, thank you for your comment.
Bout the hoodie, I was kinda lazy to check it out, and I can't afford for it. Too many of it, only like few. Didn't know which one is the winner. hehe.
Thank you ya.

zul@alex said...

yumi,i am wondering,did the KBS end the show airtime already?because last night another program was shown instead..

Yumi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yumi said...

I'm sorry, I'm not so sure myself.
I think it's just temporary thingy for Christmas Special or something. I wanna watch that too.
u can check the schedule on KBSWorld's website.

zul@alex said...

thanx a lot yumi..i'll check it out

zul@alex said...

already checked..its on tv today at 5pm..

Yumi said...

ah..thanks for the im watching..hehehe..

zul@alex said...

yumi,it's me wondering with the chipsmore situation of chit-chat series..i have checked KBS website and today the programme is replaced another show..its the same for airtime during saturday midnite..could u pls confirm if they are still airing it?

Yumi said...

I'm not so sure bout this. sorry.
coz as i think, they replaces today's with yesterday's show, coz yesterday they showed something else.
I'm really sorry, coz I really don't know what's with KBS, their schedule really really confusing after they changed.