Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I just met my Form 6 fellow friends. Some I met regularly, some I meet once a while, occasionally.

I miss them!!

We went to Picadilly at Sect 14. We had 4 cafe tables joined, and around 12 or 13 of us there.

We also celebrated Brigitte's birthday there. Kinda a surprise for her, as we all had it last minute. I just remembered last minute. We had to do it last minute and ask everyone last minute.
Then, Kenny, Debbie, Najia and I went to Secret Recipe nearby and bought her Chocolate Cheesecake. It was very filling, feel a bit 'jelak' too.

We talk, ask bout each other's how doing, whereabout and all, jokes, mutton, pork and black jokes. Thanks to Shamir. He came out with that kind of jokes. Even though we all meet like twice or thrice a year like this, we still couldn't remember what we're doing, as in studying or working. We keep asking the same questions over and over. It's like a tradition and a courtesy to ask.

I just miss the fun we all had in Form 6. Doing stupid stuff while playing and STUDYING.

I actually really missed form 6, more than the duration I had during my Form 1 til form 5, high school. I miss that too.

I just miss school.

Love them all.